gelegentlich, überwiegend in Gesellschaft
Hobbys und Interessen
Antworten auf einige Fragen
Wie würden Sie sich selbst beschreiben?
I know that telling a lot of nice words about yourself isn`t modest but I`m a self-confident woman, tactful, cheerful, creative, easy-going)) My best qualities are decency, honesty, fairness, perfectionist in everything (sometimes interferes with life...) I have a great sense of humor, which allows you not to take life seriously)))
Wie würden Sie Ihren idealen Partner beschreiben?
My ideal partner is someone with a strong character. That is, he sets goals and achieves them. He's also emotionally mature. That is, no hysterics, for example, because of a broken car - he takes it and solves the problem. He works on his body, but without fanaticism. I am happy to go on a spontaneous journey: on foot, by bike, by car - it doesn't matter. Honest: openly, calmly and without pretensions will say if he does not like something.
Wenn Sie 10 Millionen Euro zum Ausgeben hätten, was würden Sie damit machen?
I would fly into space)))
Wie oft und wen fragen Sie nach Rat?
With my mom...
Was schätzen Sie am meisten an Menschen Ihres eigenen Geschlechtes?
Was schätzen Sie am meisten am anderen Geschlecht?
Decency, intelligence, emotional intelligence, a great of humor)
Was hat einen starken Schock bei Ihnen hinterlassen?
A meteorite that fell in the Chelyabinsk region (the place where I was born and lived for a long time...)
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